WHAT IS PSORIASIS ?

Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells build up and form a hard or thick scaly, dry patches, sometimes it is itchy and painful too. You may call it skin cells growing so quickly forming a hard layer. Psoriasis occurs when your immune system which normally affects the infectious germs or foreign bodies begins to attack healthy cells instead.


The most common symptom of psoriasis is a rash on the skin & sometimes you may experience pain in joints, itching, stiffness along with dryness, fissure, flakiness or redness. There may also be cracked skin that may bleed and pitted or ridged nails.
So, the areas commonly affected by psoriasis are your elbows, knees, scalp, face, hands, feet, nails, skin folds and mainly joints. 


Psoriasis has many triggering factors like cold and dry weather. Climatic changes may flare up the existing psoriasis. Stress, alcohol, smoking, infections or any trauma to the skin intensify psoriasis. Sometimes some medications may also worsen psoriatic rashes.

                                     HOW TO DIAGNOSE PSORIASIS ?

Psoriasis can be diagnosed by taking medical history & examining skin area affected, scalp and nails. Biopsy is also suggested as your doctor may take some skin sample and send it to the laboratory for further diagnosis but rarely its needed. If you are diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis doctor may ask to go for blood tests or radiographs to rule out other forms of arthritis.


You need to consult a Dermatologist if you are diagnosed with psoriasis. 
Steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants are used to treat psoriasis. Topical ointments or light therapy may give a symptomatic relief but does not completely cure psoriasis and also have many side effects. 
Homoeopathy treatment for psoriasis is completely safe and has zero side effects. The most important aspect being, it gives a complete cure, though treatment may last for a longer duration that is 3- 4 months. 

                                       HOW TO CONTROL PSORIASIS AT HOME ?

1) You can take dietary supplements like vitamin D, fish oil, milk thistle to ease the mild symptoms of 

2) Use a humidifier to keep your home and office moist.

3) Most of the soaps and perfumes contain dyes and other chemicals that  may irritate your skin and 
    inflame psoriasis.

4) Eliminate red meat, alcohol, refined sugars, carbs, saturated fats and add nuts, omega 3 fatty acid and
    olive oil to reduce inflammation.

5) Use lukewarm water for bathing and apply moisturizer immediately.
    Avoid hot water bath.

6) Psoriasis can be a source of stress, so you can also practice yoga and meditation often.

7) Smoking and alcohol is a trigger for psoriasis, so avoid alcohol & smoking if you are diagnosed with
    dry skin problems

8)Turmeric has been found to help minimize psoriasis flare ups. 
   A recommended dosage of turmeric is 1.5- 3.0 grams/day.

9) The most important of all apply a thin layer of moisturizer and try not to itch your skin again and 


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